About Us:
Lick Creek C.C.S.D. #16 is located at 7355 Lick Creek Road in Buncombe, Illinois. It first opened in 1953. It is comprised of grades pre-kindergarten through 8th grade. Students attend high school at Anna-Jonesboro. The district strives to provide quality education to students in pre-kindergarten through 8th grade. Our students, staff, and families work together to provide ample opportunities for achievement. We provide small student: teacher ratios where students are provided with incredible small group lessons and engagement. Each classroom is equipped with state-of-the-art technology including new, large screen, promethean boards. All students are provided with Chromebooks to prepare them for the future. We take pride in the hard work and dedication of our students!
Lick Creek School offers after-school day care for students in grades pre-kindergarten through 8th grade.
Our athletic department has received numerous regional and state championships over the years!
Clubs: Jr. High Beta, Jr. High Student Council, Jr. High Choir/Art, Jr. High Yearbook Club, Future Farmers of America (FFA)
Sports: Softball, Baseball, Basketball, Volleyball, Track, Cross Country, and Golf.
Community Involvement: Lick Creek School also offers opportunities for community involvement. Our Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) and Lick Creek Foundation hosts annual events each year (Fall Festival and Golf Scramble). Please consider joining!
Annual School and/or Community Events: LC Foundation Golf Scramble, PTO Fall Festival, Winter Program, Lick Creek Track Meet (since 1954), 2 Day Grandparent's Day Program/Meal, Spring Concert, and so much more!
Go Eagles!
School District Mission
It is the mission of Lick Creek CCSD #16 to create a safe and challenging learning environment that will inspire, motivate, and empower our students to achieve life-long success.
School District Vision
Honoring the past, embracing the present, and preparing for the future. LEARNERS TODAY; LEADERS TOMORROW!